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Tuesday, 19 August 2008


heylo semuaaaaaa...rindu saye x? owh haruslah okay...saye baru sahaja tamat menjalani hukuman...heheheheee...

yer yer boify telah menjatuhkan hukuman dekat saye...penah dgr positive punishement x? maksudnye, hukuman untuk menyedarkan org org seperti saya yg x sedar diri ini...

wut happen?

ok last week saye sgt bz laa...sbb my final exam juz over last week...3 paper - marketing strategy, consumer behavior n strategic management...ok being a PJJ student yg x berape nak PJJ ni u haf to always particpate online laa kan...i mean 5% from ur marks dtg dr online menjadi IZAIDA yg sgt PEMALAS mcm anak badak ini haruslah x participate langsung dekat dalam online itu...

bukan takat x participate...i dun even rajin untuk membuka website itu...NGEHEHEHEHE...

sekali few days (2 days before to be exact) before final exam start, sume carry mark kua laa kan...i'd scored (riaknyeee) for most of my assignment...TETAPI saye FAILED atau dlm erti kate lain mendapat F untuk online participation...

mane laaaaa boify x bising...jadi kwn kwn jgnlah mencontoh saye yg malas...ala tp standard laa...kengkonon power rangers laa budak master...amik ko dapat F...

so as a punishment, saye xleh nak blog, ym, atau apa apa keje online yg seangkatan dengannya...boify ckp "blog boleh, online participation xleh plak nak wat"

ngehehehee...sape salah? ok my tp sy nak saye ade SEDIKIT err BANYAK malas laa weh...

btw, don't worry to much as online participation only contribute 5 still failed...bengong jugak laa aku ni bukan bukan...PEMALAS to be the exact tp bukan bukan jugak...I BZZZZZZZZ laa...

ape ape pun, exam is tinggal 2 more paper plus 1 final year project...oh bolehkah percaya yg saya sudah nak abis belajar...or should i say SAYA YANG PEMALAS DAN MENDAPAT F UNTUK ONLINE PARTICIPATION INI DAH NAK ABIS BELAJAR?


owh, to those yg pegi PMI, janganlah jeleskan saye yer...saye telah dilanda kesakitan sewaktu exam tempoh hari...n when i went to see doc, she said that "u ni pressure exam"

n what did i replied to her? "saye x belajar pun"

haha bengong sungguh haku ni...nnt x belajar kene punishment lagi nanti baru tau...

ala tapi boify did that for a reason...yelah org sayang kan...mesti laa die xmo tgk i ni fail betul betul kang...confirm sawan aku...

but then, 5% still meant a lot kan..yelah from the 5% akan menentukan whether u dapat A or A-...kan kan?

tapi as one of my classmate said, "nobody will ask u, eh berape A or berape CGPA ko for master ha?"

nehi nehi kabi nahi...haisk...

owh ya, ade beberapa org yg request for bandung tips di bawah ini saye dengan bermurah hatinya nak share...

flight - tempah laa air asia especially mase time die wat sale...coz u will get ur through n flow air tix dengan harga rm200 jer...caya laa ckp den ni haa

hotel - there are so many hotels in bandung...range dr rm60 (the cheapos) and can up to rm250 (best gile dah ni) so dunt worry to much pasal hotel

transportation - haruslah i recommend abang jazzy...coz he will bring u to everywhere u want n amik u from the minutes u touched down bandung sampai laa ko nak berangkat pulang (if sedar diri nak pulang la)

shopping...haaa the most interesting part...if u only spend for 3-4 days, it's better for u guys tuk limit mane factory outlet (FO) yg nak pegi...sebab SANGAT LAA i repeat SANGATTTTTTTTTTTTT LA BANYAK FO dekat bandung ini...

ok for info, most of the stuff yg dijual di FO adalah original piece...cume harga die murah sebab die reject sane sini (which u can't detect pun)...n if u ragu ragu pasal the quality, u can see the tag yg diletak di baju itu...most zara, esprit, guess etc etc ade tag ni...

so my recommend FO for branded baju n jeans ialah

1) rumah mode (a must to go)...u can find sebanyak gile laaaaaaaa brand seperti guess, prada, mng, calvin klein, dior, bebe, banana republic, esprit...n for guys brand mcm echo, guess, quicksilver , etc etc check on tag kalo ragu ragu

2) cascade and heritage....tempat ini boleh jadi gile...u can find brand mcm banana republic, esprit, ck, bally, tommy hilfiger, etc etc...again do check at the tag kalo x percaye

3) secret...whoaaaa tempat ini lagi satu nak meroyan...dekat sini laa saye terpegang heels guess n nine west yg di pig skin lining...again this place oso best...brand lebih kurg same mcm mentioned above...

other recommend FO ialah natural where i think the only place yg jual ori zara ladies wear kemeja...tmpt lain x perasan pule...grande, cargo, stamp n formen...

lain lain tu not so recommended sebab barang die mcm x berape nak ori laa...but tatau laa kan coz sy dah malas nak explore...

for handbags, purse, leather shoes boleh pergi ke be frank, dekat sini harga die agak pricey for all designer i rase berbaloi kot...sebab u will get the warranty cards etc etc...brands seperti LV, dior, gucci, chloe, burberry etc etc...plz plz plz jgn pk di tempat ini korg bleh mendapat handbag yg berharga 60 hengget ke no hokay....most of the latest design punye price start from rupiah 1 juta ke bleh bayangkan kan? dekat tmpt ni dei campo ori stuff n gred A imitation stuff...kene pandai cari laa...butik die 2 tingkat...

next ialah pasar baru...hehe...di sini u can get all the imitation stuff laa...nak dpt purse LV 20 hengget pun ade...but then again u can differentiate the quality laa...beli kain lace di sini sgt best juge...harga start dr rm35 semeter for lace yg chantek chantek yg kalo korg g kat jalan tunku abdul rahman tu mau 200 semeter...kain kebaya oso nice...yg penting kene pandai pilih kedai...die ade 8 plz wear the most comfy shoes...

makan plak,

1) resto nasi padang sederhana
2) resto kg daun (view the whole bandung)
3) pizza hut
4) pisang sale n jagung bakar (a must okay)
5) jus stoberi (mainly di jual di kebanyakan FO....sgt best...

haa tu if any one interested n nak gunekan khidmat abang jazzy, do contact me for details...

and owh owh, saye telah dapat award dr hani...awar sy x participation pun dpt thanks yuk =)