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Tuesday, 5 August 2008

bestest moment

happy birthday to me

boify is not around as die pegi out station to perak...once again keseorangan...

siang td he called me

"sayang, i kene out station, until jumaat ni"

and i was liked "errrrrr"

"sorry, x dpt nak celebrate birthday dgn u"

oklah kan being me yg sgt sensitif i terus nangis

put the phone and terus pegi to other side cubicle n nangis kat one of the officer...then ade one officer lelaki dtg tanye "nape nangis?"

and i was like "boify pegi outstation, tomorrow birthday saya"

apakah laa kan nangis kan office...but since i'm the youngest officer di department itu, jadi understood laa kalo over mengade itu...

later got email from my darling, maisarah ajak me dinner tonite...i straightly aggreed...

mai fetch me tonite n bawak saye yg kejauhan boify ini ke secret recipe...she treats me there...sebenarnye sy mintak boify belanja saye makan di boify my darling brought me there...

lepaking until nearly midnite...borak everything...and she keep saying yg die x jadi kawan yg baik...

mai darling, u will always be the bestest fren of mine walaupun kite selalu bz n x dpt nak hangout same...

in the same time boify asyik sms...n boify majuk coz saye tidak membalas sms die...ngeeee =)

mai sent me back home and she gave me this very beautiful watch from U2...thank you so much is sooooo lovely... =)

sampai umah me texted boify n we texted each other until 15 more mins before midnite...

few mins before, i received sms from him (dgr ringtone laa) n was saying "eh belum kul 12 lagi laa"

nak tau ape kandungan sms die?

part from it

'.....saya sudah bersedia untuk melamar kamu utk dijadikan isteri.....'

and i was liked TERGAMAM dan MENANGIS n suddenly he called

he sang the birthday song for me (owh saye x leh stop nangis) n he asked again dlm telefon...

sebenarnyer during our vacation kat bandung few days ago, die bagi cincin...but he dit not say anything...

and yes, tadi die ckp segala galanya...

saye sgt speechless...

membisu beberapa minit...

and later...

saye ckp

'i terima lamaran u seikhlas hati i'

heheheheheheheheeeee harus x lena tidur malam ni kan

and owh owh, thanks to my babe - dina n along for the 'tepatness' happy birthday wish...

bandung trip will be update later la keh...