
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Bintang-Bintang Junior

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday 30 January 2010

Happy annivesary

Happy annivesary mula bercinta to bintang bintang... 30th January 2010... Love ya'

Sunday 17 January 2010

cute laa

feel free to visit

cannot resist from looking at the piccas everyday...hehe...cute sgt kan

Sunday 3 January 2010

makan makan

owh lame dah x buat entry makan makan kan...saye sgt laa rajin online (almost everyday), tp bile bukak blog sendiri jd pening...owh adakah ini alahan pregnant? ke ngade ngade jer lebih...haha

yesterday (saturday) me n bintang bintang went to mid valley for our what we called "berjalan jalan ke mall" first he wants to dine at carl's knowing me yg mengade ngade nak cube bende baru kononnye straightly suggest to him untuk pergi ke Delicious (ok my next ayat is very towards negative points of for those who are Delicious fans, jgn amik hati yuk)...

seriously i've tried my best menyakinkan bintang bintang betapa bestnyeeeeee tempat itu due to banyak review from blogger who said that the brownies there boleh kill laa...haha

so bile sampai n dpt tempat duduk, sudah mule menampakkan ketidak best'annya tempat itu...

the service is super duper slow...nak amik order sgt lambat...nak tunggu air lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilah lambat...juz imagine we hafto wait for about half an hour baru air sampai...heylo, aku order air carrot sajelah...yg menyakitkan hati, table kat blakang yg dtg lambat dr kitorg sudah dpt makanan...kami ini??? air pn x sampai lagi...

ok fine...pasal food plak...the waiteress told us that brownie malam itu will not be served with ice cream...since ice cream sudah abis...but i can see others got their brownies sekali dgn ice cream hokay...tensen tensen...

the food is just so n so laa...i ordered sheperd pie n bintang bintang ordered something chicken with potatoes and asparagus...aku ckp terus terang laa ek...mak aku wat sheperd pie 3 kali lagi sedap...i juz dont get the point why everybody mengatekan tmpt ini best...

n the best part, ada satu table dekat sbelah kitorg (2 ladies) yg hanya di serve air kosong sahaja...and i think after they have to wait for more than 30 mins, they just 'blah' gitu aje dr situ...tak paham kan...

so my rate to this cafe, ermmm xmo rate...but both of us x puas hati laa dgn service die, food die...price x yah ckp...mmg laa expected nak harge mcm tu...but at least biar laa sedap...puas hati aku tgk muke bintang bintang pn mcm x puas hati makan...

ok the other hand, saye sudah mencapai berat pertambahan 7 kg...huuuuuu...scary...

Monday 23 November 2009

semua sudah tidak muat

semua orang ckp sy masih kurus...but in fact, SEMUA SELUAR DAN BAJU KURUNG sudah tidak muat...

sgt tidak suke hokayh...everytime pegi opis, i hafto unbutton the seluar...kalo pakai kain, i hafto zip separuh saja...

haish...feeling sudah sume org ckp "x nampak pn"

mungkin kaki atau ligamen ligamen sendi sy sudah membesar...haha

Wednesday 11 November 2009

saya nak convo weeeeee~

pagi ni pergi settlekan hal tuk convo...yer saye nak convo...sabtu ini...yeeeeeee...

called up my classmate at 8.40, die ckp dah ramai gileeeeeeeeee org...haku ni pn kelam kabut laa...

arrived there around 9.40 gitu coz sy amik my leisure time mkn mc d bfast dlm kete dgn fresh orange...hoho x elok yer buat begitu di pagi pagi hari di dalam jam...huuuu

sampai OUM, try my best tuk cari parking sedekat yg mungkin dgn collection room...sgt laa malas okay nak berjalan kaki panjat bukit dgn OUM tu...tambah tambah in my condition...

luckily Allah masih menyayangi saye, i got my parking agak dekat laa best..

amik number giliran, isi form segala n met up all my frens...yes...untuk pengetahuan semua, my MBA frens sumenye bukan dr era saye yer...when i said not from era, maksudnya pepaham sendiri lah yer...mereka dah seperti 'ibu ibu bapak bapak semua yang ada disini'...hik hik...

still remember my first ever class tuk MBA...sume org pandang sy the youngest student di kala itu...but as time goes by, sume org kwn ngan fact, sy x pandang pn mereka as ibu ibu bapak fact, sy treat mereka as if i'm still in my undergrad punye time...fret not...dorg pn kene laa adapt kan...

at first xdelaa excited segala nak convo...but when u get all the convo things (robe, topi, selendang bagai) and bila dgr machine tu sebut ur name, whoaaaa tetibe excited gedik semacam...

and semacam bangga okay td when u hafto try ur robe and the staff there looked at u dalam pale otak dorg aku tau mest ckp "budak ni x salah amik baju ke"


so happy convocation to all...dgr dgr dlm 8000 students will be graduating together with us starting from this Saturday to aku tak ingat bile...

i will bring my atuk together as I got extra invitation card...huhuhu...

p/s: sape laa nak bg saya bunga kan...weeee...excited!

Tuesday 10 November 2009

saye mc 3 hari

x pernah ok dalam seumur hidup dapat MC sampai 3 hari...yes...first time nih...

at first smalam pegi klinik nearby rumah...after urine test segala, then doc dgn senang hatinya (actually haku yg senang hati) bagi mc 3 hari...i was like yippieeee...

later, ptg tu pegi consult gynae pule...sebab mcm x sedap hati laa...since my conversation dgn 'dr kak ayu' on sunday makes me feel harus laa kan pegi cari gynae juge...

jemput bintang bintang from office then straight to naluri...danggg...doc on duty pukul 3...haish...lambat lagik...

so both of us headed to damai pule...guess what...register kul 3...jumpe doc kul 5.30...ya ampun...lame gile....kami berdua sudah kelaparan...

n haku terpakse laa wat lawak bodo kat bintang bintang...risau gak...buatnye die jadi naga merah sakti ke karang since die x makan ape since at least dah makan laa gak kt masih lapa...hehe...

so dpt jumpe doc at 530...scan segala, n yes doc ckp mmg ade bleeding pun...hoho...sian kat bintang junior dalam itu...

the best part is, saye dpt tgk dgn clearnya when the doc scan perut sy...yes...before this dah je check up dekat klinik kepunyaan semua (can u guess?) 2 kali scan, 2 kali jugak laa x nampak...

but yesterday, once the doc put the 'scan thing' ke atas perut, terus nampak image bintang junior...n bintang bintang dengan confidentnya ckp "owh die tgah lambai"...hehe

n doc kat damai also gave me 3 days maknanye i betul betul layak laa kan nak dpt MC selama 3 hari...ilan siap call smalam n towards the end of conversation die ckp "iza, aku jeles"

hahaha...aku tau ko jeles aku mc lelame... =)

Sunday 18 October 2009

3 bulan

saye sedih...

hari ni genap 3 bulan saye kahwin...n hari ni juga bintang bintang blk secara rasminya malam ni akan jadi malam pertama tidur sorg sorg...

sedih gile~

td nangis x nangis depan die laa...kang serabut pulak pale otak die kang...nak drive jauh segala...

kenapa saye x ikut?

ala besties mesti dah tau jawapan kan...skang ni xleh lagi nak long distance punye travel...

silap silap next year nyer tic flight g jakarta pn g bandung x n adzmer xyah aa dok risau noo...


i'm gonna miss my azam soo much...cepat cepat laa pulang...adoi laa...kalo ade pintu sesuke hati, dah lame pinjam kat doraemon...xyah pk pk pasal jauh ke x journey tu...

dai, pinjamkan iza pintu sesuka hati tu leh x?

on the other hand, saye nak tuka segala gala dlm blog address etc etc laa...

sbb mcm dah x best gune name sendirik kt address...huhu